Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Proceeding Of The Ever So Strange

Today I'm blogging about the blog "The Proceeding Of The Ever So Strange." I find this blog quite interesting and I also like it. It has a lot of unique videos of animals, mankind, space, machines, plants, weather, extinct, legends, world, funghi, science, and wonders. My favorite blogs are the ones of weather. It shows a lot of pictures of hurricane or storm damage. I think that the website is not much of a blogging site because there are no comments. It gives you the option of liking it on Facebook and that's about it. It's creative because now a days Facebook is all over the place so it gives it that modern blog look. Actually I just took a better look at the site and it's not only linked to Facebook but also to Twitter. I read the part at the bottom where it says "About," and the creators define the site as more of an anecdote type of site. Because it's providing information about a whole bunch of different topics. I like how they have stories for every post and I think is really neat how they actually go to all this places to video tape and take pictures.

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