NCTE Writing In The 21st Century
Reading this article made me think about teachers, the future, and obviously writing. The article is mostly about the opinions and thoughts of Ex NCTE President Kathleen Blake Yancey. She makes a lot of good points that put me in thinking mode for a long time. One of them is that blogs, wikis, and social-networking has changed the way students learn to write. I think that the way students are writing now has changed in different ways. They write more when they are in a classroom but when they are out, the writing is applied in text messages, status updates, tweets, etc. Which thinking about is good because they are practicing their writing without even knowing it. Sometimes kids don't even write at all, they just sit on the couch all day and watch T.V. Modern technology is helping students write more each day. For example I much rather write a blog than an essay, because blogs are much shorter first of all and the point of view can be expressed just as good. One thing that I need to improve in is writing proper english when I'm sending a text messages. Usually I use abbreviations a lot and misspelled words but I do that because it saves time and I know the person that I'm talking too is not going to care. But that's one thing that I would like to work on and change. When reading this article, I started thinking an interview that I read in my reading class. It was about a Harvard Professor named Eric Mazur. He wanted to teach using new methods, for example students who score high do so because they've memorized information on tests but if you tell them to use it in real life they wouldn't even know how too. That's why educators should start been more opened to different curricula that's going to help the student learn better and understand the subject better as well. So they can use what they've learned in their everyday life. Oh and I put a time picture because we need to hurry up and start making some changes.
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