Friday, November 11, 2011

Hyperbole And A Half


I just finished reading the blog "Hyperbole And A Half." I really liked it, as a matter of fact I liked it so much that after I finish reading the blog I did a lot of research about it and read some comments about the blog. All of the comments that I read were positive comments talking about all the good things about this blog. I would like to mention some of the key things that stand out to me. The first one is how funny the blog was. The funniest part about it is the drawings, they are awesome. It looks like she draws them at Microsoft Paint. The words that she uses are pretty funny too. There are some bad words here and there but I think those bad words make the blog even funnier. She puts the bad words next to the drawings, I think that's so funny.My next point is that she has over 55,000 subscribers. That's when I was like "WOW" this blog is really popular. Not a lot of blogs get to have this many subscribers. She is a very talented girl that has caught the eye of many web viewers. I was reading some of the comments and she is loved by a lot of people. I think is because in all the blogs that she writes, a lot of people relate to it. She touches a lot of people in many ways, like telling them they are not alone, there is someone else sharing the same feelings you are having. That's a really neat way of helping people. Another great thing about this blog is that she writes about life's minor impedances and exaggerates them into major daily struggles in a childlike sort of way. The childlike sort of way is the drawings that she has on her blogs. I read one blog that was about been mad for no reason. This blog made sense to me, because sometimes people get mad at the most stupidest things. Like for example if someone falls off their bike, is like their whole day got ruined. She makes some good points in her blogs that make people analyze things in life in a different way. The last thing that caught my eye is that she has a merchandise site, where you can buy T-shirts, hoodies, etc. This tells me how big this blog is getting. I think that this blog is getting bigger every day. 

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